The basis of Transfiguration School’s educational program is the formation of students in the Roman Catholic faith. This is achieved through direct instruction, liturgical experiences, sacramental preparation, and service activities.
On days students do not attend Mass, there is daily instruction in the Catholic faith based on texts approved by the New York Archdiocese. While some topics are repeated across the curriculum, each grade does have its own focus.
Students in Grades PreK to 8 participate in a variety of prayer and worship experiences including daily prayer and monthly mass.
Students prepare during school for the initial participation in the sacrament of Reconciliation and for First Eucharist and Confirmation. Students share the celebration of these sacraments with students in the Religious Education program.
First Reconciliation – Grade 2
First Communion – Grade 2
Confirmation – Grade 8
Assistance at the altar by servers represents a long liturgical tradition. These servers enhance the quality of celebration for the whole gathered assembly, by taking part in processions and by ensuring that all items required for the celebration are available at the appropriate moment. Most children who serve find it an enjoyable and rewarding experience, as it enables them to contribute to the liturgy of the Mass in a very meaningful way.
We count on parents to encourage and invite their fifth graders and older sons and daughters to consider being altar servers. There is no better way to learn about Jesus and our faith than by participating in the Mass, hearing God’s Word and receiving the Bread of Life. Parents are asked to convey to their children the importance of serving God as an altar server
Training is offered beginning in late spring, each year. The training focuses on knowing and understanding all the parts of the Mass, the role of reverence in liturgy and the server presentation and responsibilities.